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3 Ways to get in a Better Skincare Routine

With any new skincare regime I recommend booking our skin analysis treatment first as this would help decide what your skin needs to be able to use targeted products to help treat and alleviate that condition.

Whether it’s dehydration/dry skin or you are suffering from breakouts and suffer from oily skin.

Each concern or condition can be treated in as little as a couple of weeks with daily consistency of products.

If you have no routine at all and you don’t often use products then you should start with the three simple steps to help you on your way to a better skincare routine.

relaxing facials

These include:

  • Cleanse 

  • Tone 

  • Moisturise 

Now you’ve probably heard these yourself and know that these are your base level products however just these three steps alone can make a huge difference within your skin more than you could possibly imagine.

If you don’t know what skin type you have there is a consultation service and skin analysis treatment we carry out, this enables us to look at your skin in person, perform a mini facial treatment to assess your skin and see what products and treatments within the salon that would be suitable.

We also take pictures of your skin under our skin analysis lamp which shows us areas of concern we need to treat and look after within the monthly salon treatments along with the products at home.

Under the blue lamp we can see areas of colour such as white, orange, pink, purple, blue and brown this will then be written up in a report for you and emailed over to you with what we can see, what we cannot see along with advice and recommendations.

This is the perfect treatment to have within the salon if your wanting to get into a routine of salon facials, However it’s also a great service to have for you to help understand your own skin and help you with your product choice at home.

You can book our skin consultation online via our booking system

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